It remained unclear what degree of access would be given to representatives for either sport.
She also gave an affidavit to representatives of the State Attorney General's office, who filed a lawsuit on Monday seeking to halt the auction.
They are both advisory committees with very limited power, which give a voice to representatives of the professions, unions, and regional and local authorities.
The dealers also agreed to tighten grievance procedures and give more power within the organization to representatives of the public.
The offer document and other relevant documents must be given by the target company to the trade union or other representatives of its employees.
The establishment of a devolved English parliament, giving separate decision-making powers to representatives for voters in England, has thus become an issue in British politics.
The dominant American contingent of 1985 gave way to representatives of the French dance boom and this year the spotlight is on the young Belgians.
A demonstration of the techniques used was given to military and government representatives in May 1949.
The senior positions of the Order were given to representatives of different Langues.
Why do Michigan blueberry growers organize a PAC and give money to select representatives?