Some ten minutes went by before Belle was able to give any consideration to her position.
The government then gave support to his position, offering full reimbursement of personal costs, as long as the evacuation took place.
The object of this congregation was to give girls a Christian education conformable to their social position.
It was very potent and gave legitimacy to their position of Head of State.
It saddens me that some are demanding that the law should give a privileged status to their own position.
Young people give higher estimation to their social position, which is a tendency also found in other Eastern European countries.
Yoshino gives further evidence to his position through the Shahar case.
Each of these extraneous aids are given a corresponding weight to their position in the hierarchical ranking.
More disturbing are those who give lip service to the union's position but cross the picket lines because shopping elsewhere would be inconvenient.
The student movement and the train strike have given some credibility to Mr. Barre's position.