The day had given place to night, and Jack observed with profound satisfaction that it made remarkably little difference on deck.
An hour of supernatural radiance that would soon enough give way to true night.
As the twilight gave way to night, Beglug curled up on the ground close to the fire.
As the day moved to evening, the light remained, shimmering as though it would never give way to night.
As day gives way to night, they mingle and stroll around nearby streets without looking over their shoulders.
Twilight had given way to night; soft white stars shone down through gaps in the foliage.
Dusk was giving way to night and the fires outside the gate burned brightly.
The dusk gave way to night, the night to light and slowly the houses vanished.
But he lingered on the way back so that dusk should give place to night.
Twilight gave way to night; menacing sounds came from the steppe.