I am not given to emotion of any kind, but my amazement was very great when I saw what lay revealed in that electrical glow.
The old man was smiling in pleased anticipation, evidently, at the same time, trying hard not to give way to too much emotion.
And the humor can unexpectedly give way to real emotion.
In the play's loveliest scenes, her theatricality gives way to honest emotion.
The huge amount of damages Kerviel was ordered to pay gave rise to much emotion amongst the general public and online.
Cat was not given to emotion, but even it felt the magnitude of this potential.
He must not give way to emotion.
It is characterized by being flexible, pragmatic, and giving attention to emotion.
Her voice was sweet yet scarcely gave way to emotion.
The artist's intention is to force the viewer to meet him on the level of the subconscious, giving free rein to emotion and fantasy.