Not only have they raised mentally gifted people, they have given rise to a new race of super-intelligent demigods.
The purpose of this school is to give rise to a new human race by developing to the maximum physical capacities of the students.
These savages were capable of giving birth to a great race.
Hence, the structure of hyena society must have favored hormonal conditions giving rise to a race of animal Amazons.
Gaga is depicted as giving birth to a new race with the help of a prologue.
Gaga sits in the throne, giving birth to a "new race within the race of humanity."
If anything, they give clarification to a race.
With an insight into building and racing, Ferguson said there were a few common tactics to give an edge to a race.
We'd be giving an advantage to a race guilty of murdering billions.
A copy of his biodata was given to a race known as the Remote.