Codman's extensive designs and construction gave the estate, once a series of unrelated buildings, its current appearance.
If there's any trouble, I'll give you the real estate.
The local authority agreed to pay the same price and gave the estate to the people of Leeds as a public park.
In 1708, Peter the Great gave the estate to his wife as a present.
Following Roger's death his sister Mary (d. 1951) eventually gave the estate to the council.
Patsy pledges to give the estate to Kenneth when she comes of age, and to increase her cousin's cash portions.
Wade gave the estate to the National Trust in 1951.
At the closing table the brothers told Ray that they were giving the real estate and rights to the original unit to the founding employees.
His mother, a loyalist, gave the estate to the British for military use.
Lionel then gave the estate to his son Alfred de Rothschild.