This gives the management shareholders, and by proxy the government, a minimum 66% majority in any votes regarding staffing decisions.
Giving shareholders a vote will change nothing, as most of them are institutions with senior managers paid in the same way as company directors.
Woolworth responded by adopting a "poison pill," giving existing shareholders the right to buy additional shares at half price.
Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance.
It also required an offer to remain open for at least 20 business days, to give management, shareholders and the markets time to respond.
He gave us shareholders a clear choice.
The plan would give existing shareholders the right to buy more shares at a discount in the event of a hostile takeover attempt.
He said he expected that would be the answer he would give shareholders who ask him about the board conflict.
Nonetheless, she said, "we think this gives shareholders looking for liquidity a better exit."
GIVING shareholders more rights is good for a company to do.