Later in the 19th and 20th centuries, machines would have been used, giving more precision and uniformity.
For a trained user, the wands gave much greater speed and precision than any other interface.
In the continuing legal battle, the courts are just now beginning to give precision and content to the open-ended phrases of the statute.
- Wish we could blow up Mars, now that would give us precision.
Some users thought it gave greater "precision" or "tied down their ideas."
But Smith could not possibly match the scholarship which gave precision to many of Hope's designs.
Jordan had proposed three amendments to the draft of that resolution, which gave it much-needed precision.
The muses were mobilized to find that motto, which would give shape and precision to the cause.
If it is later decided to compare primaries, then equal-sized samples from each are likely to give greatest precision.
The remaining amendments are technical, mainly aimed at giving greater precision to certain provisions.