In my opinion, nothing could be more deadly to teaching science than to divorce it from the unifying theories which give observations meaning.
Then aligning these n/b blocks in the order they were picked, will give the bootstrap observations.
Professor Trexler's brilliant scholarship gave me tools to gather thoughts about and observations pertaining to those things I most love.
He also gives thoughts and observations about Japan and Japanese culture.
I think Lady Alys could probably give you better observations than Haroche on that score.
It gives us many, many pages of educated, entertaining and highly particular observations on the plays.
She was giving him observations from her Other Memories, he realized.
However, his years as an athlete gave him unique, in-depth observations.
The general idea is to form some kind of "best estimate" for the true value of some system, given only some (potentially noisy) observations of that system.
Also due to the sparseness of measurements, we have had to assume coherence of ecosystem processes over large distances, giving existing observations perhaps an undue amount of weight.