She had the feeling that Tremane was a man who gave secular respect to religious authority, lip-service to the rituals, and otherwise gave no thought to the subject.
A thousand years during which a new society continues to give lip-service to the same old set of attitudes and ideas that I represented when they meant some- thing?
Although the remaining Pyrrans might give lip-service to the concept that their own emotions were keeping the war going, they did not really believe that this was true.
Expediency was the first word in his catechism, although he gave proper lip-service to the precepts of the Butlerians.
'People are giving lip-service to security and are hell-bent on therapy above anything else.'
"Loyalty" was a word they could scarcely spell, much less a principle to which any of them adhered... and yet criminals gave strange lip-service to it.
The management document presented to the public scarcely gives lip-service to these plants, recommending in the index that Huntington and Northport spend about $9 million to upgrade and denitrify the plants in some distant future.
Reconciling the web of inthat permeated his working environwith the principles he gave lip-service to was a paradox he had never really solved.
For many years this remained the goal, and it's still given lip-service.