In the post 9/11 world, it is quite obvious that the ugly face of terrorism has given full justification for a strong military posture.
I imagine accusing a city council member of murder gave him more justification than he might have otherwise.
"It gives justification to all the work, the time that you put in," said Robinson.
Later that day, Smith read it out on national radio, along with a speech giving justification for the action.
In fact, they will often even thank us for giving them justification for leaving a relationship or their marriage.
Such statistics give justification for why hip hop may have flourished in Germany; many of the people were young.
Or that she didn't just give me ample justification for the hammer I did bring down on her.
Going over the deadline means giving written medical justification, which the insurers sometimes accept, and sometimes don't.
Which only gave him more justification to be steamed.
They must know the power of self-interest in human society without giving it moral justification.