The tribes with money started to buy into the political process, giving more than $2 million in campaign contributions, mostly to Democrats, in the 1996 election.
Mr. Giuliani was given wide support in many areas outside Manhattan in the last election.
Still, Democrats were the runner-up, and were given the highest amount of money in the same election cycle: more than $214,400.
Ms. Zappa gave $234,500 to the Democratic Party in the last election.
Its soft-money donations in the 1996 Presidential election were more than four times the amount it gave in the 1992 election.
PepsiCo gave over $720,000 to Republicans in the last election.
With the economy still weak, some corporate and individual contributors who gave in the last general election may not give this time.
South Africa had previously denied allegations that it gave money to Swapo's opponents in the election.
If one makes the decision not to vote for the President of the United States, one has given oneself no voice in the election.
Steinhardt also gave $1,000 to Lazio in the general election.