It was not given in the 1944 edition of The Concise Oxford Dictionary , but is in the two most recent editions.
These definitions are given in the most recent (1983) edition of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary , which was edited and published in Edinburgh.
The solution is given in the 1854 edition of the same journal.
However, Routh gave the theorem already in the first edition of 1891, Volume 1, Chap.
Why this is so and hints on how to centre quickly are given in the newest edition of Gliding (A & C Black).
Another early formula is given in the 1763 edition of Hocus Pocus.
A further account was given in the first edition of Newton's Optics (1704).
It should be 1657-and is so given in the edition of the romance from which your copy was printed.
It was given a new number in the sixth edition of Köchel, K. Anh.
Yers generally given full voicing, unlike in the first printed edition of 1800, which was copied from the same destroyed prototype as the Catherine manuscript.