With his handsome, almost perfect face, he was like a marble statue that had been given life but not humanity.
With the money comes a prophecy that he must use it to give humanity back its lost future.
The poorest poet who could not sell words for money has given humanity far more than busloads of best sellers with private foundations.
I asked you what other gift the Ched-Balaar gave humanity.
There really is a fascination when you can take something that is robotic and give it humanity.
Midler's hit is schmaltzy, but she gives it warmth and humanity.
He gave humanity to the werewolf, and compassion to the war between the airships.
What partial birth did was give humanity to the choice.
She constantly wonders what the future and technology has really given humanity.
Her welcome performance gives depth and humanity to the film's only unsympathetic major character.