In 1826 Shaka gave further proof of his affection for the man who served him so well.
A week after she came aboard the Crazy Horse as a raw ensign, she would have given her life for the man.
I whispered, though some of the others would hear me, "Nikolaos gave orders for the man to die, but she wants me alive, Theresa.
Due to her extraordinary beauty, she becomes Ms. Venezuela, but gives it all away at the moment of victory, for the man she loves.
I gave that up for the man who is the love of my life.
The space for a small dagger given to a boy, next to the sword-still in its place-destined for the man.
I gave orders for the man you wrote about to be let in.
Three names have been given for the man but none can be found to be reliable.
The same sentence was given in 2009 for the man who blinded Ameneh Bahrami.
But he might ask who gave permission for the man to leave his post.