The case has cast a spotlight on the generous perks given top executives.
A British farmer from Kenya gave two senior Rhodesian executives what they needed last week.
Of course, some companies have given executives so much stock that they can still become wealthy by selling only 25 percent of it.
"Little by little," he said, "organized labor is being given new executives and new representatives not of its own choosing."
The Sulzberger Program, as it will be called, is intended to give executives from the news and business departments more grounding in each other's fields.
Q. What practical advice would you give executives who have reason to believe they will be arrested, to avoid such a spectacle?
Historical parallels like that would give most auto executives heartburn.
Last July, a $71 million leveraged buyout gave the Josephson family 40 percent of the firm and senior executives the rest.
Mr. Brown's trips often gave those American business executives who accompanied him access to foreign leaders and provided them opportunities for new deals.
I occasionally give talks to "old media" executives where I am expected to say something provocative about "new media."