The roses, much as I loved them, could not give me sufficient companionship.
Revolution was a game-a game that gave him companionship and chance to show off talents.
She in turn gave him purpose and companionship and love.
When there is no one in the world you can turn to, a horse or even a lion may give you companionship.
A wonderful actor, his presence gave us great joy, many laughs and delightful companionship.
They had given her a home, companionship, and a purpose.
The universities give men leisure, books, and companionship, to learn for themselves.
It could cause people to become happier by giving them companionship.
Artificial human companions may be any kind of hardware or software creation designed to give companionship to a person.
She gave me all the attention, companionship and time that my mother was unable to give to me.