Dinoire was also given bone marrow cells to prevent rejection of the tissue.
"I hope they give us separate cells," Jake told him.
With Gleevec, the study said, the supplement speeds up the body's metabolism of the drug, reducing exposure and perhaps giving the leukemia cells more resistance.
But the company does not plan to give patients cells with permanently activated telomerase, if it can avoid doing so.
The dogs given allogeneic cells survived; control animals died within 1 year.
This can give the impression of a simple evolutionary tree: single cells to many cells, shellfish to fish, and then land vertebrates.
But they had given cells of their bodies to the machine, and from those cells it made me.
Now, however, doctors can give other drugs that force the bone marrow to step up production of these blood cells, restoring them shortly after chemotherapy eliminates them.
A 27-year-old woman with Type 1 diabetes was given islet cells that had been isolated from half of her mother's pancreas.
The supplement of folinic acid in patients undergoing methotrexate treatment is to give cells dividing less rapidly enough folate to maintain normal cell functions.