Certain male deities are given heavy bellies and breasts, signifying either androgyny or prosperity and abundance.
Those gave her a slender waist, breasts like melons, and so on.
"I knew one man who took medication, and it gave him breasts," the actor said.
"I won't take medication that gives me breasts."
So I gave it beautiful breasts.
The person then asked him about his body, and planned to give him two arms, legs, mouths, ears, eyes, hearts, breasts and nostrils.
Then someone says, 'Honey, I'm going to improve you by giving you new breasts.'
Dr. Meyerowitz writes that one man injected air, hand cream and mother's milk into his chest to give himself breasts.
Slowly she raised her arms above her head, which gave her breasts new and fascinating movements, then slowly turned her back to Blade.
Has she given us breasts to feed our children?