For now, high schools give the written tests as part of the 30-hour classroom course.
Then, in 1994, she became serious about giving a concert as part of her 50th birthday party.
You may also be given other medications as part of a combination cancer treatment.
Both questions have been given extensive as part of the social identity approach.
A small number have been given land as part of government schemes to settle the community.
"A present to me, so I might give them back to him as part of your dowry."
"This is the fourth time I've given blood as part of a test around here," he said.
I think we need an update, if you can give us that, as part of this debate.
He gave it to me as part of a little gift.
You give me information now, quietly, or to the police later as part of an official investigation that will be reported to the press.