In many states, tenure is given to teachers after 3 years, without much indication of job performance.
Although it is bewilderingly complex, the agreement at its core gave players the right to free agency after four years in the league.
At Intel, employees are given eight weeks of paid leave, in addition to vacation, after seven years.
In 1986, she was given a contract after three years as a recurring character.
Does it make sense to give an 18-year-old a $20,000 grant for college after 12 years of an inadequate education?
He was given the mandatory life sentence, with the possibility of parole after 20 years.
In eight states in America, tenure is given to teachers after just two years of teaching during the probation period.
The government had finally given him a car after three years, since the buses were unreliable.
I am giving my last speech after 15 years. We have come a long way.
She said the initiative to do the project stemmed from her desire to "give something back to the community after 18 years of teaching here."