Joffe believes that providing some kind of visual gives a different viewpoint to a statistic and gives it meaning.
Thermodynamics may end up giving you an interesting second viewpoint on snowflakes, but it is not the place to start.
But, Boss, it gives one a different viewpoint to have been killed...and then turn out not to stay dead.
Thus she concludes that being male or female gives one a distinctive viewpoint which should be included in any theory of human beings.
"Give me a viewpoint from somewhere outside the characters."
This program debuted before the 2005 football season in an effort to give students, alumni, and fans an alternative viewpoint from the mainstream media.
Regardless, you can give me an extra viewpoint.
It gave them an excellent viewpoint across the entire moon system.
"A long performing career with a great company would have been nice, but my travels have given me a broad viewpoint," he said.
You can say that experience gave me a fresh viewpoint on and a general dislike for the institution.