I gave a pretty dramatic rendition, and he reacted, so he was under no Spaceoline.
He said, "I was not trying to give you a verbatim rendition of anything."
The actors then gave an inspired rendition of the production's famous ballet, bringing the girl on stage for help.
Well we were trying to remember the lines to that and she came in and for about half an hour she gave a rendition.
He took the manuscript and gave such a rendition of those really fine verses as I believe could not be improved upon.
Hissing and whistling, he gave a rendition of the "Hunters' March."
In many cases even illumination is desired to give an accurate rendition of the scene.
He was waiting for my reply so I gave him a brief rendition of the tale.
Dooley Wilson gives a genial and warm rendition of the song.
I gave him a quick rendition of Irene's collapse.