The fact that he was soon going to die, thought Henry, gave his words a special poignancy.
Themes of love, loneliness and separation were given more poignancy by the war.
By what details does the author give special poignancy to the pathos of her account?
Ira Gershwin wrote the words after his brother's death, giving the song a special poignancy.
Two of these objects are placed close together like a mother and child, which gives them ineluctable poignancy.
Instead of engaging them fully, he gives us poignancy and pathos.
The knowledge that we would not see restaurants or hotels for some time gave a poignancy to our days in Aswan.
This episode comes only at the end of "Serenade," but it gives the ballet a special poignancy.
The fact that Ronald is so obviously inert gives these vignettes a certain poignancy.
The political futility of their sacrifice gives it a poignancy that is somehow ennobling.