Can we not now give it a connotation of opposite sign to that suggested by Renan, and yet a much truer one?
Fabricated material is not always considered sinister: a clergyman's distinctive garment has given it a good connotation in a man of the cloth.
Traditional decoration is used - or rather abused - to give a vague connotation of the past, or merely to suggest luxury.
In more recent times, the perceived ineffectiveness of simple welfare schemes has given the term a negative connotation.
'Conspiracy is a word that has been given a very bad connotation - it's become synonymous with "kooky,"' he told a Post reporter.
The President chose an Americanism of obscure origin to give a less serious, more high-spirited connotation to the activity.
Mecca is the Islamic holy city, giving the name of the cola a religious connotation.
Today, its usage in Chinese is usually intended to give a negative connotation (see Wōkòu below).
The French, however, have given the hyper prefix a political connotation.
The song has given the phrase "ladies who lunch" a somewhat negative connotation.