Keith Mondello's girlfriend testified yesterday that he did not make admissions about the shooting of Yusuf K. Hawkins that the police have attributed to him.
Waters' girlfriend later testified that he was enraged by O'Hair's article, and that he fantasized about torturing her in gruesome ways.
Both girlfriends also testified that neither McKinney nor Henderson were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time.
His former girlfriend testified that he enjoyed killing Ammon.
Mr. Mease, whose girlfriend testified against him, confessed to the murders, but on appeal said his confession had been obtained illegally.
Marsh spent 21 years behind bars, even though his girlfriend testified that he was innocent.
Manning's girlfriend, who testified to Manning's possession of the stolen property, also testified that Manning had been using a tree for target practice.
Mr. Mondello's 20-year-old girlfriend testified that he had never said most of the things the police said he said.
Bonds' former girlfriend, Kimberly Bell, testified that Bonds blamed an elbow injury on steroid use.
Last month, a former girlfriend of Mr. Pelosi's testified that he had admitted killing Mr. Ammon.