Rubbing her cheek surreptitiously, the girl scowled back at Mat as though the slap had been his fault.
The dark girl wearing it scowled back, and moved away a little.
The girl scowled, and Fitch said, "Like a computer, sort of.
The girl scowls as she raises her eyes from her book entitled Human Development.
One small girl scowled at her, and Lieserl quailed against her mother's legs.
The girl scowled, said to Matthews, "I knew you'd never worked with him on cases.
The girl scowled at him.
The girl scowled and said disagreeably: "I can expect anything I want.
The girl dragged her feet and scowled, but she came.
The crack of billiard balls underscored the statement: The red-haired girl all but scowled.