Eight years ago, a girl who had just graduated committed suicide.
About 14 thousand girls graduated from the school throughout this operation.
The first girls graduated in 1993, and currently 50 percent of the student body is female.
In the 99 years of its existence over 4,000 girls graduated from the school.
Since that time there have been 936 boys and girls graduated from the High School.
Between 1873 and 1888, one hundred and six girls graduated in seven cohorts.
In some inner-city high schools, twice as many girls as boys are now graduating each year.
While a mere 120 girls had graduated from schools in 1926, by 1932 the number had increased substantially to 3713.
By 1984 about 1,500 girls had graduated from the school.
In the ending scene the girl is graduating leaving the boy behind.