The girl expected that the old woman would fall upon her and kill her, but she did nothing of the kind.
The next day the girls expected most of their parents again, and could go out with them the whole day long.
American girls born today can expect to live more than 80 years.
But the battle, rapid though it was, did not bring the result that the captive girl expected.
I don't know where these wretched girls expect to go to, for my part.
Once they graduate, the girls can expect anything up to 15 offers of work.
A girl born in 1988 can expect to live 78.3 years, and a boy 71.4 years.
The silence about us meant the girls could expect no help from that quarter.
She and the girls expected to be back in time for Christmas.
It had been talked about so much that the entire town already believed the poor girl was expecting.