He held in his hands a long, smooth wooden tube, which he gingerly handed to Janeway.
It was Harry who wormed through the hole and came out carrying something which he handed gingerly to Rufe.
The old man gingerly handed me the rubbers.
She gingerly handed the object to the stablemaster.
I pulled the car key out of my pocket and gingerly handed it over to Mama.
I nodded, gingerly handing the disc to him.
Locke grabbed one of the bows and gingerly handed the other to Jean.
When Brainard gingerly handed over the gun, Joe broke it open and inspected the loading.
Vote of Confidence After gingerly handing him a starting job in spring training, the Mets may finally believe he will make it.
Alec fished in his purse and came up with some coins, which he handed gingerly to Sylvie as though she might bite him.