A giggling girl sat on a gul's lap, hand-feeding him pulpy kalava seeds.
The two redheaded young men and the giggling girls were all hers.
The young men, panting in the full rage of youth, threw furtive glances at the giggling girls who were vintaging.
And then there was Julian Gil, sitting between the runner and the giggling girls and working toward his future.
But here, with no giggling girls present and none of the usual jokes, it was different.
Big cops in slickers that shone like gun barrels had a lot of fun carrying giggling girls across the bad places.
Za grinned at the giggling girls on either side of him, and then they turned together, walked away.
Some of Rivera's toughness and competitive desires were born because of the giggling girls.
He had little enough of that left, allowing six giggling girls to lead him to death or worse.
The giggling girls were severely dressed in dark blue with black cotton stockings.