The interior of the gigantic vessel was as chaotic as its exterior.
Of the gigantic, hostile alien vessel and the Federation starship that had crashed into it, there was no sign.
Still the fugitives were essentially in shadow, with the Twin Worlds' sun on the far side of the gigantic vessel.
He could not take his eyes from the sight of the gigantic vessel, held in the death grip of the storm.
He thanked the radio centre, then switched on the intercom which let his voice be heard in the farthest corners of the gigantic vessel.
Having fulfilled its purpose, the gigantic vessel was no longer wanted.
Even though they could not be everywhere in so gigantic a vessel, the skipper should not go about unarmed.
There were no humans aboard the gigantic vessel, only fighter robots of the latest design.
From overhead there was a deafening roar, mighty engines at work powering some gigantic vessel.
And what might happen to that very ordinary world if the crew of that gigantic vessel felt disappointed with it?