To make this gigantic structure possible there were many professional workers and statue makers from India.
On the top of the gigantic structure, the non-tinted squares were white.
Baedecker pointed to the gigantic structure to the northeast.
Normally, such gigantic structures rose in the centers of spaceport cities.
Also in the Art Deco style, it was a gigantic structure that occupied two full city blocks.
But it was hard to believe that he would be able to maneuver the gigantic structure with such a comparatively tiny leverage.
It was an immense underground airfield, with a single 200-foot-wide, 6,000-foot- long runway in the middle of the gigantic structure!
Seaton's hands swept over the keys and the whole gigantic structure wafted into the air.
This gigantic structure was built during the Sassanid era (226-651).
Bacteria cannot attack such relatively gigantic structures unless they are broken into fragments less than 1,000 atoms long.