A gigantic black shape was moving over it from the opposite tower, the size and shape of a tank.
Marvin looked at the gigantic black shape edging forward towards them over the bridge.
He loomed like a gigantic, reeling shape in the midst of a crackling inferno.
Before the Shemites could loose again, the doorway was blocked by a gigantic shape.
But a moment later there was a growl and its gigantic shape again loomed in front of us.
He had been prepared to throw his exhausted body against the gigantic shape on the mountaintop, but had not done so.
The ship moved swiftly upward toward the gigantic shape that obscured the stars.
From the shadow made by a cleft in the wall above them a gigantic shape had emerged.
Skathe cursed human fragility roundly and reassumed her gigantic shape.
But in the swirling grayness of the mist, six gigantic dark shapes loomed up tall and grim.