It wasn't supposed to be this way after the giddy days of Gorbachev and Reagan, when the whiff of disarmament was in the air.
Feeling giddy the next day, I was dying to divulge all the gritty details to my friend, but she didn't ask, so I didn't tell.
But the hopes and dreams of those giddy days are a distant memory in the Kabul of 2003.
Mr. Ellison was among the first to say that software companies could never return to the giddy days of yore.
She is giddy these days with the sense of mastery.
Back then, of course, was around two years ago, in the giddy days of the dot-com boom.
Even in the first giddy days of the Clinton Administration, Mr. Maddy and his colleagues never expected to win every fight.
From his first giddy days as a head coach, Fassel rode every up and down as his personal roller coaster.
Natural gas has Wall Street giddy these days.
These are giddy days for scientists.