Jailhouse Roc: a giant flying vulture who had been in jail since the late 1950s until released to work for A.C.R.O.S.T.I.C.
The beating of the wings had died to a swish of rushing air as about the unflapping level of flight of some giant vulture or bird of prey.
The bird-like Lords of Change are the devious Greater Daemons of Tzeentch, who resemble giant anthropomorphic vultures.
It resembles a humanoid with the head, claws, and wings of giant vulture.
A text attributed to Hesychius of Alexandria mentions three different types of hippalectryons: a giant rooster; a giant vulture; and a creature close to griffins as painted on fabrics from Persia.
The gates opened a few minutes later, and the two mismatched guards had no time to discuss mythical giant vultures again.
More were raining down into the clearing, dropped by giant vultures that looked no more healthy than their cargo.
From nowhere a giant vulture appeared, gliding on the thermals.
Something like a giant vulture's.
A giant vulture serves Vendrake that is almost as tall as Firepos and spits acid It is unknown that if it is actually a Beast or just something that Vendrake mutated.