Much more entertaining is the Atomium, a giant steel and aluminium molecule composed of nine atoms you can climb through via a sequence of escalators.
The outcome of this dispute will not only help determine how soon the giant steel and aerospace company emerges from bankruptcy.
Half a mile off the coast thirty-eight giant steel barges provided platforms for the pyrotechnics created and programmed by the firework masters.
Unimate was essentially a 4,000-pound (1,814-kilogram) arm attached to a giant steel drum.
Those supporting the plan say it will help increase the value of the giant steel and energy company.
A giant steel sitting duck.
In this match, the ring was surrounded by a giant red steel barred cage with a domed roof.
Close to the station should be a new modern city and a giant steel and aluminum plants.
A giant steel drum band added to the Caribbean flavor.
The layout of the match involves the ring being surrounded by a giant red steel barred cage with a domed ceiling.