Why gather so many beings into a giant snowball, surrounding a little star?
The pulses were encountering a horde of giant snowballs.
However, Aeon thwarts them by sending an avalanche down on the group and trapping them inside giant snowballs.
Runaway cooling effects that turned the globe into a giant snowball?
From a distance, Europa had seemed like a giant snowball, reflecting the light of the far-off sun with remarkable efficiency.
Korky is rolling a giant snowball down a hill.
The now giant snowball hits a curve and flies right back at Foghorn, burying him.
But as her teeth began to chatter in an unladylike manner, her mind squeezed out an odd thought What was a giant snowball doing here?
Snowball - Christmas 2006 and 2007 - A community coming together to build a giant snowball.
The victim remains unseen, as some pranksters lay in wait, one holding a giant snowball.