To this day, the giant smokestack remains a landmark.
Most of the buildings still stand as of 2008, including a giant smokestack bearing the Hudepohl name.
Halfway up the tank's curving wall, Kemp Kingseed's familiar, Shelob, scuttled from her lair in the black pipe of a giant smokestack.
He has also begun a repair project to knock 50 feet off the giant smokestack in the middle of 111 First.
Mr. Sullivan wants to name it Stax Studio, after the building's four giant smokestacks.
The head was as narrow as the prow of a ship; the back, except for three giant smokestacks belching steam, was covered with striped tenting.
There were giant smokestacks and part of the mesa was gone.
Fire down there, huge flames were licking from a tall building and smoke poured from it as from a giant smokestack.
The complex consists of six interconnected buildings with more than 200,000 square feet of space, towered over by a giant smokestack and a clock tower.
You don't smell foul odors or see giant smokestacks.