Sometimes, in amusement parks, there are giant slides called "helterskelters".
It's this giant purple slide for kids of all ages.
The latter parted before 79.6 million years in the orders of primates and giant slides.
Children's activities include a giant slide, carnival games, pony rides, face painting and a class on how to make an African drum or doll.
Then they hopped on a couple of potato sacks and rode down the club's giant slide to the dance floor.
There are dozens of staff members, and they gather around a giant slide.
Let yourself go on the giant slide for an exciting ride.
They rented a couple of giant inflatable slides and put them in the bubble.
When their names are called, down they go, on what I always imagined as a giant slide, to waiting arms.
There are also photography and fossil exhibitions, and a giant slide for the children.