During a battle drill against giant scorpions, he and Annabeth accidentally find an opening to the labyrinth.
The thing was a giant scorpion, a relic of the fossil period.
Mother Earth objected and sent a giant scorpion to kill Orion.
"It's been my lifelong dream to come face-to-face with a giant scorpion who wants to exchange his venom for my blood!"
The band give chase but are attacked by giant scorpions that spring from spilled drops of Calibos's blood.
The group stops at a cavern for the night, where they are attacked by giant scorpions.
But what of these shells of giant scorpions?
The band gives chase only to be attacked by giant scorpions summoned by Calibos's blood.
Not much booty and far too many snakes, huge vicious spiders, giant scorpions.
She also takes the form of an ankheg, giant wasp, or giant scorpion.