At the center of the damage was an immense dark circle, so black that to Picard it looked almost like the maw of some giant predator.
It is closely related to other giant predators like Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus.
At one point the living plunge and mill like a school of small fish disturbed by a sudden, giant predator.
The listing requires countries to conduct scientific studies affirming that commerce in the giant predators will not threaten their survival.
First, somehow he needed to get word about the giant ice-wolf predator to Zelyert in a way that wasn't obvious to Shastylt, and before long.
The largest known member of this order is the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus), a giant predator of sub-Arctic waters.
"A shark is a giant predator and so am I, and I want conquer it," he said.
Just giant predators, doing what predators do.
Diving is virtually always safe: The rips, currents, tides, and giant predators of other seas scarcely exist.
Most were quite fragmentary, but they expanded knowledge of the giant predator's geographic range.