He felt as if he were in a giant metal barrel and someone kept banging it with a steel hammer.
They were giant metal weave gauntlets!
He has established himself as a professional stonecarver, working out of a borrowed corner of a giant metal shed that once housed stonecutting machinery for the stone yard.
They were in perfect working order: giant metal and plastic bodies governed by living animal brains crafted in the laboratory for this purpose.
Iasius curved sharply, pulling an easy nine gees, then flattened its trajectory to fly between the endcap and the giant metal arm of the counter-rotating dock.
Also found on the roof are a giant rope swing contained in a free-standing aluminum dome underneath the roof's centerpiece; a giant metal praying mantis.
As soon as he'd cleared the top of the cargo bay, the Russian space station Mir was visible, hanging a hundred meters away, a giant metal crucifix.
You just couldn't coop up that many people that long in what was essentially a giant metal can and not get some temper spikes.
"But we were attacked, by giant flying dragons..." "Excuse my interruption but they weren't, by any chance, giant metal flying dragons?"
Taking his visitors inside the factory's fenced-in pressed-metal shop to reveal that the guardhouse inside - and the giant metal presses - were without operators, he said the assembly line was still.