Ending days of debate over whether to allow a giant electric menorah on parkland here, the White Plains Common Council tonight unanimously rejected such a display.
Other special cakes (about $150 each) include a giant menorah, a snow-girl with a Pucci scarf and even an edible Xbox.
Behind it was placed a giant menorah and to the right a towering Christmas tree.
Now, in addition to Christmas trees, giant menorahs decorate the city.
To commemorate Hanukkah, a giant menorah will be lighted over eight nights, beginning Dec. 1 at 5:30 P.M.; sponsored by the Lubavitch Youth Organization.
Plastic Santas or giant menorahs appear on the lawn.
It has Shinto vases, two giant menorahs and a Muslim prayer rug.
Starting on Dec. 13, the first night of the Festival of Light, the pieces were turned on, one each day, transforming the whole museum into a giant environmental menorah.
Other than turning the museum into a kind of giant menorah, none of the works have any discernible bearing on the deeper meanings of Hanukkah.
To celebrate the Festival of Light, eight contemporary artists, all of whom employ some form of electronic illumination, have turned the museum into a giant environmental menorah.