There are a number of food stands that stand out such as the one that specializes in charcoal grilled giant hamburgers.
The ghosts and monsters themselves were also more comedic, such as a creature made out of molten cheese, a monster in the form of a giant hamburger, and the skeleton ghost of a dogcatcher.
There was a lion, a princess, a giraffe, a monkey and a giant hamburger, among other marvels.
The next inning, Nick Johnson's laser struck a giant hamburger on a billboard spread across the facing of the football press box in right.
IGN, on the other hand, claimed it to be the worst of the three claiming its only fun aspect is "playing as a giant hamburger" [2] .
"Cozy Corner" was formerly "Rockin' Rodney's" a business famous throughout the region for its giant hamburgers.
I saw plenty of cowboys - cutting cattle on horseback or eating giant hamburgers in roadside diners - but I was having trouble finding a single bell.
"There's a giant hamburger, and you can go inside of it," Willie said.
Wade transformed a 1950s giant fiberglass Muffler Man who held a giant hamburger into La Salsa Man, when the restaurant below became La Salsa in 1987.
It is a crowded tourist centre, heavy on souvenir shops and jokey exploitation of local sights; the cafe opposite the ferry landing was advertising a giant hamburger called Le Menhir.