As the star ship skimmed across the solar wind of the giant nuclear furnace, the magnetic shielding crackled and sizzled against the opposing field lines.
The collection's highlights are in the Sala Caldaia, where a giant furnace provides a suitably impressive backdrop.
Raziel revives Dumah and leads him into a giant furnace, burning him alive and absorbing his soul.
The construction of the giant furnace will begin in 1997 in the southern Korean port city of Kwangyang, where Pohang already has a plant.
Housed in a former power station, it boldly juxtaposes classical sculpture against diesel engines and giant furnaces.
Holmes had two giant furnaces as well as pits of acid, bottles of various poisons, and even a stretching rack.
The resources of a giant stellar furnace were now its own to command.
Tons and tons of waste are piled on to giant furnaces every day, burning away all the waste.
He dropped the evidence of real history into the Memory Hole, where it was sucked into giant furnaces.
Var reported to the cellar, where the gray-bearded man showed him to a wooden bunk near the giant furnace.