In this century we have rebuilt from a giant earthquake and a disastrous war.
Catastrophes like volcanoes or giant earthquakes can kill a city quickly.
However, while a giant earthquake would not be unheard of, it is apparently unwritten of.
The shock waves from December's giant earthquake set off devastating tsunamis.
Latch said, 'They got a giant earthquake there a long time ago.
Interspersed with these were high, narrow wooden dwellings left over, he guessed, from before the giant earthquake in 1906.
But scientists now believe that the potential makings of a giant earthquake - of 8 or 9 magnitude - have been quietly building here.
Globally, the quake has also told us that it's possible for a relatively small fault segment to spawn a giant earthquake.
Had the trees and tiny rodents felt the giant earthquakes Hugh Buttons spoke of?
In the 2009 movie 2012, Los Angeles is shown being ripped apart by giant earthquakes.