Auger's special weapon is a giant drill mounted on the front of the vehicle that impales its victims and tosses them into the air.
At the end of completing one level of each world, you will have to chase a giant drill operated by Dr. Manhole.
The Drill of Death is a large-scale stage illusion in which a performer appears to be impaled on a giant drill.
On the other side of the window, several huge gleaming coils spun slowly, like a giant drill.
Behind them, various instruments were beeping and blinking urgently, and the accelerator spun like a giant drill.
He tested the steering device, and overlooked the mighty cogs which transmitted its marvelous velocity to the giant drill at the nose of his strange craft.
Outside the museum is a giant drill, which was used to dig Nagoya's subway lines.
Most of the vehicles are equipped with giant drills and elaborate gear mechanisms.
The giant drill has made their job safer, but it has also cut deeply into the sandhog workforce over the past decade.
In Sengoku Basara, he appears to be part machine and wield a giant drill.