That is, we stood within a giant doughnut, only it was hollow while the hole was solid.
It led to a large machine that reminded him of a tumble drier, a space capsule and a giant doughnut all rolled into one.
The flames had been extinguished, the tires scattered by the side of the road, steaming like giant overcooked doughnuts.
Gwen and I got five of them between us; the gunners of the giant doughnut killed the other four.
"There's a giant doughnut on top of the building."
When he popped back up a second later, he looked like a giant powdered doughnut.
Eventually, it latches onto a giant doughnut, stopping the monorail and saving its passengers.
It is said to resemble a "giant metallic doughnut".
Oklahoma City seems to be under siege by a giant doughnut.
A few baldies remained, heeled over against one another like giant doughnuts blackened in a fire, but that was all.