It was hot and uncomfortable, like lying inside a giant cobweb.
Before the night is over, members of the audience are likely to find themselves covered by a giant cobweb, spritzed with water, providing a lap for a wandering clown and stung by the snow of the title.
A giant cobweb of copper tubing that sprawls across the gallery ceiling, it dangles a dozen wire mesh baskets in which black tarantulas disport.
About half of the two dozen beds were burning and melted mosquito nets hung in black strands like giant cobwebs.
Delorme pointed at the giant cobwebs around the doorway.
The realm consists of a castle surrounded by a vast jungle covered with giant cobwebs.
Even without the giant cobwebs it would have been ugly and menacing.
The large window in back of the fireplace, which offers one of the few views to the outside, is made in shattered tempered glass and looks like a giant cobweb.
He pictured the packets sailing from Falmouth to deliver bags of outward mail at all these places and collect the inward, and realized the Cornish port was the centre of a giant cobweb, the lines reaching out thousands of miles across the Atlantic.
There was a giant cobweb stretching across part of the room and right beyond it, under the stark glare of a bare ceiling light, was a fully clothed skeleton sitting erect in a kitchen chair.